Remote Office Space for rent:
why SpatialChat is more than an online meeting platform

We use Spatial Chat in online events that need to be more surprising and engaging than the average virtual meeting. But the platform offers great benefits as a remote office, too. Use SpatialChat as your space for meetings and breaks. Your go-to place to work alone or in teams. Your clubhouse. Your canteen. The future is hybrid or remote - make sure you shape it right.

The essence of SpatialChat: proximity as the starting point for contact

In SpatialChat you are not captured in a square box. Your video image is shown in a circle, and you can move that circle over the entire screen, exploring the landscape that is featured as a background. As you approach another participant, a video connection seamlessly begins, encouraging spontaneous dialogue. Step back, and the connection gradually fades, just as it would in person.

Our vision on remote work: genuine connections before collaboration

Since the rise of remote work, we have been actively engaged in finding solutions to keep people connected, even when they are physically not in the same space. Together with our partner ismu we guide clients who are not bound to a location in their search for a thriving company culture.  

The challenge is not in technology. Not in operational planning. It is first and foremost in meeting and engaging in a way that people feel a sense of connection and belonging. The feeling of being part of a group is important to people. But group feeling does not come naturally. Building a nurturing company culture that attracts and retains staff is hard work.

A lack of togetherness can have an enormous impact on performance

Online meetings will stay. But so will the real-world meetings, with real offices and company coffee. As we see it, there will also be an in-between world. A liaison between the people onsite and online. And that is the virtual office space. An environment where contact is more casual. Where people can sit and work together. Meet. Chat. Or have a power hour working in silence.

Silent rooms spatialchat

The biggest issue of remote work is not collaborating with the people you have known for years. It is in finding the right people when you have no previous history together. Who in Marketing would know…? Traditionally you would walk over to the department and stick your ear around the corner. But how does that work online?

The success factor or remote work: an inspiring place to work – together

What if there were an online space where departments or project groups would sit together virtually? Regardless of whether people were working from the office or home, their avatars would be in the same space. That would be easier to just pop in for information and it would be way better for the team spirit too. Because this would be a space where people are equal, sharing the same presence in the same space. We could tailor such a virtual office to have meeting rooms, focus areas, and a central stage for town hall meetings. And, for the informal moments: an online coffee corner, an online game room, or, a virtual canteen.

SpatialChat technology supports this space for onsite and online workers

We need a place where hybrid organizations can flourish. Where co-workers can have daily routines, intermezzos, and meetings, aside from all the planned calls and business gatherings. SpatialChat is a platform for meeting and engagement in its broadest sense and it fully supports our vision of that ‘in-between’ space. To have an equal presence, regardless of location. To be connected when you are not in a meeting.