SpatialChat meetings: for online events that matter

Remote meetings do not have to feel distant

While SpatialChat may not have achieved the same level of widespread adoption as Zoom, Teams, or Google Meet - platforms commonly relied upon for conventional meetings - it's certainly worth considering if you're seeking a distinctive session with your team or clients. With SpatialChat, you can seamlessly organize an online party, brainstorming session, or workspace accommodating groups of 10 to 300 individuals, ensuring participants come away with enduring impressions. 

SpatialChat supports real connections

Online or offline: engagement is the key to successful gatherings. You want to actively participate, feel genuinely connected, and meet people who share the same mindset. This doesn't happen during standard presentation sessions but rather in all the moments in between: the workshops, the networking breaks, the pauses. Spatial Chat is the only tool that makes this lifelike interaction possible.

This is how SpatialChat works: get closer - and experience contact as if it were face-to-face.

Picture this: you're in a beautifully designed space where you can freely move around. When you get closer to another visitor, a video connection automatically starts, allowing for spontaneous conversations. Move away, and the connection weakens, just like in real life.

Explore the space, join group conversations, have one-on-one chats, and move on whenever you like. You're in control. That's the essence of SpatialChat. Because the experience closely resembles face-to-face interactions, spontaneous conversations flow more naturally, leading to increased engagement.

SpatialChat offers three types of spaces, each with countless possibilities:

1. Spatial Webinar Stage:

The most traditional type of room in SpatialChat: the stage for plenary conversations. Ideal for key note speakers and panels to share their expertise. Participants can ask questions in the chat. Suitable for groups of up to 10,000, but we recommend keeping it under 300 for better engagement.

2. Spatial Work Space:

Breakout rooms focused on co-creating documents or boards, with tools like sticky notes and Miro integration. Participants have video and audio connections but remain static on the screen, keeping the workspace neat and organized. We prefer to keep group sizes small: 15-20 people max, in order to keep conversations and collaboration going.

3. Spatial Break-out Rooms:

This is where the magic happens, where proximity matters. Create fantastic online interactions with video, sound, and inspiring visuals. Or let participants actively engage with playful interactions like polls and mini-games. Design an escape room or a lounge bar with music. The possibilities are endless, though limited to 50 people per room.

welkom spatial bergman
miro in spatial

So many meetings - so many options: mix & match in SpatialChat

With its myriad features, SpatialChat can be used for a wide range of purposes, from community-building to idea generation, from supporting change & innovation to hosting online conferences and social gatherings.

Some examples and inspiration of former Spatial Chat events we hosted

Rode Kruis - Diversity Day

Departure hall: the starting point of journeys

over de streep SpatialChat

Open Space meetings in SpatialChat

Lounge Party for all staff party

Not tech-savvy? No problem. SpatialChat is highly accessible.

With a brief explanation, participants can effortlessly navigate the spaces. And with well-designed spaces, interactions flow more smoothly. You don't need to be highly technical, and there's no need to download anything as the platform is entirely web-based and GDPR compliant. For any questions around privacy and security, just check the website of SpatialChat.

SpatialChat Early Adopters - meeting professionals with full service support

We're here to help. As seasoned SpatialChat professionals, we're ready to elevate your online gatherings. Whether it's creating bespoke environments tailored to your needs and brand identity, guiding participants through the spaces, assisting organizers with preparations for future interactions, or helping presenters deliver engaging presentations and moderate audience interactions, count on us to make your online experiences unforgettable.

We are SpatialChat experts - we can help you with many things

  • realizing the most magical online settings, tailored to your needs and in line with your identity

  • guiding participants, supporting them to navigate the space

  • supporting the organizor with any preparations for upcoming activities

  • moderating presentations and audience interactions on stage

Want to know more about our approach to service and design of Spatial Chat meetings and events? Check this interview:

MeetingMasters interview - SpatialChat (2021)